The benefits of wearing pearl necklace and how to clean it

Pearl necklace is the favorite of every intellectual woman. Wearing pearl necklace can not only highlight women’s elegant temperament, but also has more health care effect on the body. It can be said that wearing pearl necklace has many advantages. So for the benefits of wearing pearl necklace, efficacy and role, we will have a detailed understanding of it!

What are the benefits of wearing a pearl necklace

It has been recorded in ancient medical books that pearls taste sweet, salty and cold, and enter the heart and liver meridians. They have the functions of calming the liver and suppressing yang, calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, removing Yi and eyesight, detoxifying and generating muscle, etc. In addition, pearl contains rich high-level fatty alcohol, which is easy to be absorbed by human epidermal cells, which can enhance cell vitality and promote cell metabolism. Moreover, pearl powder can promote the growth of human collagen cells. When there is trauma or wound, it can promote the growth of collagen cells, fill the gap, connect tissues, promote skin regeneration, and keep the skin soft, tender, white, smooth and complete. Wearing pearl necklace, can also eliminate the blood vessels of human body oxidation fat, beauty care, delay skin aging, improve human immunity.

Pearls contain calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, calcium oxide and various trace elements such as phosphorus, strontium, lead, sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, etc. In medicine, it can clear away heat and damage Yin, clear eyes and detoxify, close mouth and produce muscles, and calm nerves and nerves. Especially, women are irritable and irritable during menstruation and menopause. Wearing pearl necklace can play a better role in regulating and relieving symptoms. In addition, wearing pearl necklace can also prevent chronic pharyngitis and thyroid diseases.

What’s the function of wearing a pearl necklace

Wearing a pearl necklace has a calming effect, it can reduce blood pressure, restore heart rate, but also can treat vertigo. Pearl powder is rich in higher fatty alcohols, which can be easily absorbed by human epidermal cells, and can enhance cell vitality and promote cell metabolism. Moreover, pearl powder can promote the growth of human collagen cells. When there is trauma or wound, it can promote the growth of collagen cells, fill the gap, connect tissues, promote skin regeneration, and keep the skin soft, tender, white, smooth and complete.

How to clean and maintain Pearl Necklace:

Pearl necklace is a kind of jewelry that many girls like. It occupies the heart of consumers with its warm and white appearance, and also occupies an important part of the jewelry market. After wearing a necklace for a period of time, the luster may be not as good as before, not as beautiful as before, so how to clean the pearl necklace? I’ll teach you some tips.

How to clean pearl necklace? A simpler way is to wipe the surface of pearls with detergent. There will be a lot of dust and stains on the surface of pearls for a long time. In fact, you only need to wipe the surface of pearls with a cloth. The gap can be wiped with cotton swab, if there is a special pearl cleaner, the effect will be better.

If you want to keep your pearl necklace bright for a long time, in addition to knowing how to clean the pearl necklace, it is also very important to learn how to maintain it. You may not know, pearl necklace is more afraid of water, long-term indirect contact with water will cause damage to the surface of the Pearl. After contact with water, it should be cleaned in time. Do not wear pearl necklace should be properly kept, but should be placed in a sealed place, because pearls need to “breathe”, in the seal is easy to turn yellow.

The above is about the benefits of wearing pearl necklace, efficacy and function related content, pearl benefits are extremely many, so many women like to wear pearl jewelry, round pearl necklace wearing on women, is a perfect display of women’s temperament, I hope the above introduction can help you better understand the role of pearls and better Cleaning and maintenance.

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