The benefits of wearing pearl necklace and how to clean it

Pearl necklace is the favorite of every intellectual woman. Wearing pearl necklace can not only highlight women's elegant temperament, but also has more health care effect on the body. It can be said that wearing pearl necklace has many advantages. So for the benefits of wearing pearl necklace, efficacy and role,...

10 tips for the maintenance of Pearl Necklace

10 tips for the maintenance of Pearl Necklace 1, not near water: do not clean pearl necklace with water. The water can enter the pores of the beads, which is difficult to wipe dry, and may ferment inside, and the beads may turn green. If you sweat a lot when you...

Meaning of wearing white crystal jewelry

There are different kinds of crystal. Different kinds of crystal have different meanings. White crystal represents balance and happiness. It is good for career and health. White crystal has a glass like transparent and clear texture, can bring good luck, so some white crystal necklaces, bracelets, and white crystal trinkets, has been...